Only sold exclusively in salons and spas, not available online.
0413 308 976


Kindly note that we encourage our end-clients to purchase their Eyenvy from one of our listed authorize resellers.

Please note that it has been brought to our attention that there are FAKE Eyenvy’s circulating.

Note that our authorized resellers don’t sell on social media sites, Instagram, Facebook, Poshmark, Kijiji, Amazon etc.

If you need assistance, please reach out to us directly or put in your Postal Code/Zip Code to find an authorized reseller.


Welcome to EyEnvy® Australia! Enhance your look with our EyEnvy® and FacEnvyTM products. From our face cleansers and exfoliators to our eyelash and eyebrow enhancers, you be able to enhance your own natural look. Our EyEnvy® team is passionate and eager to provide you with the best customer service and the resources that you need.


The EyEnvy® Australia serum is making its way across the globe and it is increasingly becoming everyone's must-have serum! The serum provides length, fullness, thickness and darkness to your own natural lashes, making you look like the star that you are.


EyEnvy® Australia, amongst its other products, is an exclusive product that is sold only in spas and medical spas, salons or solely distributed by professionals in the industry. Our products maintain their value and their eminence that are put in the hands of the trusted and the very best in the industry.